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. Since 2012 .
創立於2012年,一直以來致力搜羅泰國各種最優質的產品。本集團是全港規模最大的泰國產品批發貿易公司,產品包括林彭記、 Tasto、Bento、妝蕾®RAY面膜、VeryMWL Annabella海藻面膜,Lanna蘭納足貼、Bath & Bloom、I am green熱敷產品、Ubreathing 優必思乳膠寢具、Atreus美妝和Green Herb等。
We are committed to collect only the best quality Thai products. We are the largest wholesale trading company on these Thai products in Hong Kong. We sell household goods, natural and traditional body care products, aromatherapy products, food, wood furniture and hand-woven lamps. Authorized Brands include Lam Pang Kee、 Tasto、Bento、妝蕾®RAY mask、VeryMWL Annabella mask,Lanna foot batch、Bath & Bloom、I am green herbal heating product、Ubreathing latex bedding、Atreus and Green Herb.
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